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Brad Johnson's Experience Overview
Conscious Channeling
Proficient in Automatic Writing (2008 - Communication with a variety of beings existing in higher dimensions: ET/Non-Physical)
Conscious Vocal Channeling (2009 - Channeling conduit for Adronis)
Energetic Healing Facilitation
Reiki Level 3 Facilitator (2010 - Initiated by Rose Rivera)
Founder of Symbol Release Healing Method (2010)
Founder of the Cosmic Breath Group Healing Method (2010)
Founder of Body Regeneration Healing (2012)
Founder of Light Circuitry Atunements (Formerly Body Regeneration Healing) (2014)
Founder of the EQ Method (Formerly Light Circuitry Attunements) (2018)
Founder & Director of AetherX Inc. (2023)
Inventor of the RAYD8 BioScalar Attunement Technology (2024)
Founder of the Trauma Transcendence Technique (2024)
Remote Viewing
Proficient in Technical Remote Viewing (2009)
Founder of Spiral Akashic Viewing (Configuration of Remote Viewing and Intuitive Premonition) (2010)
Intuitive/Akashic Records Reader
Proficient in Intuitive Readings through natural trained development (2009)
Proficient in Akashic Records Readings through natural trained development (2010)
Consciousness Researcher
Producer of YouTube channel: selfempowermenttv (2011)
Studies on consciousness expansion/spiritual principles
Human Spiritual Evolution
Consciousness Science
Conscious Experimental Case Studies
Religious Philosophies
Connections to the Universal Mind
Sacred Geometry
Extra Terrestrials
Ancient Civilizations
Consciousness expanding practices/methods
Mentorship & Guidance
10 years experience in assisting with spiritual advisement & mentorship with large client base (500+ clients) both in channeled state and through naturally attained knowledge (2009)
Published Works (In Print/Online)
The Lyra/Earth Connection E-book (2009 - Author)
Insights with Adronis from Sirius (2009 - Co-author)
Adronis Online Phase Courses (2009 - Creator)
Citizen of Atlas - Visionary Fiction Novel (2010 - Author)
New Human - Visionary Fiction Novel (2010 - Author)
A Video Guide to Symbol Release Healing DVD (2010 - Creator)
The Iniverse: A Course of Divine Learning (2011 - Creator)
Adronis: Levels of Advancement - Volume I DVD (2011 - Creator)
Day Zero: The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being (2012 - Author)
Star Being: Uprising of the Id (2013 - Author)
Adronis Levels of Advancement - Volume II - Questions from the Internet Collective Consciousness DVD (2013 - Creator)
Rainbow Wisdom (2014 - Author)
The Reality Whisperer (2016 - Author)
The Sixth Density Messenger - Published in Tokyo, Japan (Voice Publications - 2019)
Sirius Consciousness: Adronis' Final Message to Humanity - Published in Tokyo, Japan (Voice Publications - 2021)
Founder and CEO of AetherX Inc. (2023)
Initiated into Kriya Yoga through teacher, Forrest Knutson (June 2023)
Foundation and Advanced Graduate of BioGeometry (2023)
Special Guest on Magenta Magik Radio
Special Guest on Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic
Special Guest on Rumor Mill News Radio
Special Guest on Myth or Logic Radio w/ Tom Murasso
Special Guest on Awaken To Your Truth Radio
Special Guest on Be In The Light Now Radio
Special Guest on Dream Reality New Earth Radio
Featured Article Writer for Science to Sage Magazine: "The Veil Amongst the Earth is Lifting"
Featured Article Writer for Science to Sage Magazine: "The Akashic Records"
Special Guest on MZ Muggzi Radio
Special Guest on Kevin Smith Show
Special Guest on Positive Power Chat
Special Guest on Spiritually Raw TV
Special Guest on New Normal Radio
Special Guest on PWR Talk Radio
Special Guest on Free Thinking Radio
Special Guest on Seven Chakras Podcast
Special Guest on Enlightenment Evolution Hour
Special Guest on Human Colony (HUCOLO) Webcast
Special Guest on Consciously Speaking Podcast
Featured in Newsweek's Spiritual Living Special Edition Magazine (Dream Interpretation & Lucid Dreaming)
Featured in Newsweek's Spirituality Now Special Edition Magazine (Soul Channeling)
Public Speaking
Tour of Love - Unity of Vancouver - Adronis Channeling (August 2010)
Portal to Ascension: Shifting Into Love Tour - Irvine, Corona Del Mar, Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo CA - Adronis Channeling (October 2010)
Adronis Workshops - Sonic Temple, The Awakening Heart BC, Canada - Guided Meditation/Symbol Release Healing/Adronis Channeling(November 2010)
Self Empowerment Workshop, The CEED Center, Maple Ridge BC, Canada - Self Empowerment/Energy Healing Workshop
Adronis Self Empowerment Tour - Portland, Oregon, Mercer Island, WA - Self Empowerment Presentation/Adronis Channeling (April 2011)
Transcending The Veil - Unity of Vancouver, BC, Canada - Interactive Slideshow Presentation/Adronis Channeling (October 2011)
Alchemy Event - Los Angeles, California - Adronis Channeling/Self Empowerment Workshop (11/11/11 - 11/13/2011)
Portal to Ascension Galactic Remembrance Tour - Southern California - Adronis Channeling/Beyond the Veil Presentation (11/15/2011 - 11/20/2011)
Portal to Ascension Galactic Remembrance Tour - Southern California - Adronis Channeling/Cosmic Breath Group Healing (04/09/12 - 04/27/2012)
Alchemy Event - Los Angeles, California - Adronis Channeling/Future of Humanity Discussion Panel (04/28/12 - 04/29/12)
Channel Panel - Los Angeles, California - Adronis Channeling (09/18/15)
Reality Whisperer Webcast live in Turks and Caicos - Turks and Caicos Islands (01/17)
In5D - Lifting the Cosmic Veil - Seattle, WA. (03/18/17)
Leveling Up - Quantum Healing Workshop - Seattle, WA (03/03/18)
Channeling Development Weekend Workshop - Tokyo, Japan (06/17) & (04/18)
Light Circuitry Attunement Training Course Level 1 - Tokyo, Japan (06/17) & (04/18)
UNITE Uplevel Your Lifestyle Expo - Adronis Channeling (November 2018)
Voice Japan Presentation Tour (March 2019)
South Africa Tour: Gold, Ancient Sites and the Anunnaki (with Michael Tellinger) (August 2019)
Adronis Presentation - The Golden Age: 2037/2038 in Oaks PA (September 2019)
Self Empowerment Seminar - Orlando, FL (January 2020)
Untitled 2012 Documentary Film Project - Featured speaker: Sharing perspective on 2012 & Channeled Adronis
Magikal RV Tour Documentary - Featured Speaker: Speaking on higher consciousness integration
O World - Featured speaker: Channeling Adronis
Those Who Seek (Independent Film) - As himself channeling Adronis
The Inbound: Interception - Creator/Producer/Writer/Co-star - As Lar.
Mr. Tachyon S01E01 - Viceland TV/City TV - Featured speaker: The Tummo technique.
They Call Us Channelers Documentary - Kevin Moore and the Moore Show - Featured speaker: channeling Adronis.
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