3 Session Types: By Email, Yoga Nidra Akashic Regression & Deluxe Reading
I’m grateful with my Akashic session! Grateful for the beautiful & helpful insights that I received and that I can use. The character that emerged during the session gives me recognition to the now, which allows me to change a pattern where I previously didn’t know where it came from. I can highly recommend an Akashic Email Reading! It was a precious gift!
~Karin Cootmans.
Akashic Record Sessions
The Akashic Records represents the infinite intelligence of the subconscious field. Through proper training and focus, you are able to access any form of information based on personal comprehension to help discover more about yourself through other lifetimes on Earth and beyond. Brad Johnson has performed Akashic Record readings for over 14 years helping clients to understand more about their multidimensional connections, and offer Akashic healing to help balance the connected stream between lifetimes.
Brad Johnson offers 2 different types of Akashic Record Sessions to client based on the depth of reading:
Plan #1: Email Reading
Through this reading, you will receive a brief report on a previous lifetime and how it correlates to themes you may be exploring within this lifetime & Source Healing service should any discovery of the previous lifetime require it. This session requires no live interaction and a brief PDF report + an MP3 recording which includes a summary of your reading is sent to you by email once completed.
Available for $97 CAD
Go to the Email Reading's Online Order Form
Plan #2: Yoga Nidra Akashic Regression Session
Through this session, you will have a live video session with Brad Johnson hosted on ZOOM meetings. Brad Johnson will interact with you and help you to set up your space to prepare for the Akashic Record regression as you lay down on a recliner, couch or bed with Brad providing you with instructions and guiding you through the Yoga Nidra regression process. Yoga Nidra means "psychic sleep", and is an ancient practice going back thousands of years used by enlightened yogis to experience the astral plane. The session would involve breathwork exercises, calming the body through a deep body scan and exploration of the Akashic Records while in a regressed state guided by Brad Johnson. Brad would be available through the session connected through the Higher Self to help answer any questions you may have before and during regression. Based on the theme of exploration you choose through the online form, this will be the focused intent of the session in its entirety.
The session would run for up to 90 minutes and would be recorded through ZOOM video. You do not have to have any previous experience with regression, however; a short online questionnaire would need to be completed through the online order form to ensure that you are receptive and cognitive to receive a Yoga Nidra Akashic Regression Session.
Available for $222 CAD
Go to the Yoga Nidra Akashic Record Session's Online Order Form